Thursday, April 22, 2010

Push Don't Pollute, It's Earth Day!!!

By James O'Hara

Good morning folks! It sure is a beautiful day. We had about 15 people cruise down to the Wall this morning and help us pick up trash in honor of Earth Day. Our friend Mark at Irving hooked it up and provided coffee, donuts, and muffins for everyone! We picked up a ton of cigarette butts and water bottle caps and I can tell you a bunch of people earned some good karma points this summer. When you see some guy in the water who seems to have all the luck picking off the best waves it's because they pick up trash at the beach! We have four clean-ups scheduled in combination with Vans that we will be running throughout the summer and our friends over at NH Surfrider also have clean-up scheduled throughout the year. Plenty of times and opportunities to pitch in and earn some set waves.

I wish we could have all surfed together after our beach sweep but the tide at the wall was pretty high and the waves just weren't getting in. However, now that the tide has back out it looks like there are some fun knee high logging sets rolling through. I am out at 2 today and you can bet I am gonna have a look around when I get outta here!
HERE is a quick link to some other happenings in NH on this 40th Earth Day Anniversary.

Saw this trailer for the new Reef surf film called From Cancer to Capricorn. It looks really good and I will be ordering some of these for the video case when they become available. Check it out! Full screen it and turn it up! Good song from The Dutchess & The Duke!

We got 3 more HUGE boxes of Reef Sandals in today! I think I will be unpacking these boxes for the next few days! Our selection is insane, come check them all out!

Enjoy the day, ride your bike, rip your skate, pick up some trash, and plant a tree!

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