Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Stewart Surfboards In The Shop Today!!!!

I've been avoiding riding my longboard lately. I don't really have a good reason for doing so but I think it has something to do with getting all rubbered up for knee high waves. But my 6 month hiatus from the 10'0 ended this morning with a solo session on knee high waves. When I first paddled out I was in my get three fun waves and get out mode. Three fun waves came and went and in reality I probably caught 2 dozen fun ones in my session. Getting a good hang five can be as fun as getting a nice little slash off the lip on the shortboard. I'm glad I paddled out because I remember how fun riding the LOG can be and I am looking forward to some more knee high waves tomorrow morning!

Stewart California Noserider in 9'4

The Estes truck rolled into the parking lot first thing this morning with 8 brand new, hand shaped Stewart Surfboards. Here is the packing list:

A 9'2, a 9'4, and a 9'6 California Noserider. This is easily on of the most well rounded longboards on the market. Knee high noserides to overhead cutbacks. This board really can do it all.

Next up is the 6'6 and 6'8 S-Rail Fish both with quad fin set ups. This board combines the flotation and speed of a retro fish with the performance of today's modern shortboard. Adding one of these into your quiver is a good way to make mushy waves fun again!

We also got a 9'0 LSW S-Winger and a 9'4 Regal. These boards are polar opposites but both amazingly crafted. The Regal is all retro. Its very flat and thick. Single fin only and great for days like today. Not to mention this is one of the prettiest surfboards I have seen in a long time. The LSW is the most updated performance longboard in the Stewart line. It has a double winged pin tail and is meant to be surfed with 5 fins all the time. This board looks crazy and when you make it out of epoxy it's super light and I can only Imagine how hard it rips!

The last board in the order is a 7'6 fun board. It looks awesome but that's all I am gonna say because this little beauty is already spoken for!

Stewart Regal in a 9'4

A cool thing happened today, after I unpacked all those boards I was looking at this massive pile of foam padding. With Earth day coming up and trying to think green I didn't want to see all that foam go into the dumpster so I called the UPS store up the street and they came right over grabbed it and told us they would reuse it when packing boxes. I thought that was rad and goes along with our push here to be more environmentally conscious. I got this idea from a website called earth911 and if you have a few minutes it's worth checking out. The are a great resource for finding ways and places to recycle things you normally might throw away. They also have 40 tips for the 40th Earth Day!

Thanks for reading I hope everyone got some fun ones the past few days.
Beach Sweep at the Wall, 12th street, 8 am on Thursday!

See you in the water...

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