Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finless Shred Sled!!!!

Steve and I spend serious time checking out wave and wind models every day so that we know what is on tap for surf. Our buddy Brian just made things a whole lot easier for us and shaped this little beauty up. It's pretty simple to use, when the stick is pointing down, get your work done and when the stick is curled up to the sky, get to the beach. So that it that, the new forecasting tool, no more computers, life is simple again! Thanks Brian!

Lots and lots of new Pioneers Tees

and Hoodies!

Our buddy Mike is a ripper and he is damn good at making anything. We call him The Lord of the Dings because there ain't nothing the man can't fix. Mike shapes most of his own boards and is an established glass blower. Mike told me about this new finless surfboard we was working on and I knew it was going to be good but this thing is just insane! He made the whole board from stuff he bought from Home Depot and it cost him under $100 bucks. I can't wait to see Mike ride this thing!
5'7 x 19 x 1 7/8 but he swears it will float me, I wish.

Mike and Steve talking shop about what the next one might look like.

Today's deal is wear a Pioneers Tee to the shop and get 5% off surfboard and wetsuit purchases and 10% off everything else! Get Some!!!! There is a really nice little longboard wave in town today and it should be hanging around tomorrow morning too. It's a beautiful day, get out there and enjoy it.


Mulch said...

make the "moon man" blog header on a tee.

Unknown said...

please post what the home depot ingredients were....also, power planner or hand shaped?

Anonymous said...

insulating styrofoam. countertop epoxy. white pine stringer. fiberglass. all and shaped with screen and hand plane.