Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We just got the new copy of Surfing Magazine in today. I saw the words "the end of the innocence" and was wondering what they are talking about now. As I was reading the editors note I realized they are talking about change. Do you think surfing is changing? I do, but after reading through most of this issue I realize how fast surfing is changing. Rookies and arial surfers are beating the legends of the sport. The NY Times is claiming airs are the $h*t. Boards just keep getting shorter, wider, and full of more fins. Young guns like Kolohe Andino are signing million dollar contracts with companies like nike, target, and red bull). The way the ASP operates is undergoing some radical changes as is the judging criteria.

This is change this is progression. Surfing is exploding and it is going to be crazy to see where it is in 2020. However, I think things will stay just the way they are around here. Other than having some different shaped boards, we'll keep surfing, we'll keep living, we'll stay on the fringe of the surf industry and keep enjoying our uncrowded and cold surf. That's fine with me, I just keep using my computer to see where surf is going next. If you see the mag somewhere pick one up. It's a good read, and there is a great little piece about a surf mission to the Sahara coast.

Lots of new gear in the shop today...

Reef Sandals

Longboard Wheels from Abec 11
And some more Volcom Gear!

Just got in from a mid day surf session. Rode the Lost RNFQ and I can honestly say that there are some really fun waist plus sets rolling through. The wind is kinda on it but the Sun is shining and there are waves go get some!!!

Green foam Blanks, consider one of these for your next custom order! Made out of recycled foam from old and broken surfboards.

Earth Day Beach Sweep tomorrow morning. 8am, 12th street, I'll bring some trash bags, we'll collect some trash, and we'll go for a surf if there is anything still hanging around.

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