Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brace Jam Tomorrow

The Annual Brace Jam will be held tomorrow at Rye Airfield, Sunday April 11 from 6pm-9pm in Rye N.H. This event is a fundraiser for our good friend and longtime EB shop employee Justin Brace who has ALS. The $10 entry fee donation will help with his expenses. The event is open to all Bikers and Skaters, and we will be doing best trick contests and giveaways all night. any questions or donations please call 603-888-0722 or email I expect to see everyone there!

The Rip Curl Pro finished up on Friday. Sl9ter wins and is starting his push to become Sl10ter! Kelly took Mick down in the final but I am questioning Mick making the finals. I honestly thought that Jordy out surfed Mick in the quarters. Mick beat him by 2/10ths of a point with a minute to go. If you watch the heat recap they show two waves of Jordy's that weren't even his scoring waves. His waves were awesome and he deserved the 14 points he was awarded. Mick on the other hand surfed really well, he is the world champ after all and kills it, but his highest score came from a mediorce wave that he got a 7.33 for and put him just in front of Jordy for the win. The recap makes it look as if Mick smoked Jordy, which isn't the case. I'm claiming BS! Rip Curl Contest, Rip Curl surfer advances. Maybe it's just like everything else and it boils down to politics. Freddy P knows what I am talking about and isn't afraid to let em have it. Check this link HERE and watch both of the videos. Freddy P. the new Sunny Garcia??? Sorry Marc, I know you're not gonna like this but I still love my Rip Curl wetsuit! Bottom line is it was a great contest and it's getting interesting already. With only 4 more events before the cutoff things are just gonna get better!

Joey Brezinski, manny master, battle commander.

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