Friday, April 30, 2010


The Victorious Jadson Andre

Good afternoon crew! How about that final yesterday. Jadson Andre vs Kelly Slater. Jadson, tour rookie and youngest person on the tour, took out Kelly for the win. Jadson won infront of the home crowd and he was stoked! The crowd went nuts, it was a great webcast to watch. With Kelly's second place finish he was able to take over the points lead on the ASP ranking system and is that much closer to becoming Sl10ter! Statistically when Kelly gets himself to first place it is very rare that he dips back below number one. With the ASP cutoff only two events away and Slater taking control of the leader board this year is shaping up to be the most competitive ever! The count down is on, only 75 days till J-Bay goes down. You've got plenty of time to get your fantasy team in order so get on it and check out the highlights from yesterdays final below!

I haven't said anything about this yet and since things only seem to be getting worse I might as well bring it up. The BP offshore oil rig that exploded earlier this week is now believed to be leaking 210,000 gallons of crude oil in to our ocean EVERYDAY! And they want to open up the rest of the US coastline to offshore oil drilling??? The spill has now been labeled an "incidence of national significance" which means that now federal money and the military will be used to help clean up this mess. It makes the off shore wind farm off of Cape Cod, that just got approval after years of red tape, seem like such a better idea. Too bad we didn't start setting up wind farms years ago. At the moment the ban on offshore drilling is back in effect and I hope it stays that way. The Gulf Coast, especially Louisiana, is in some serious danger of having their fishing industries destroyed. Lets hope they get this situation under control as soon as possible and more offshore windfarms in the works.

Quote of the day comes from Bill Maher, "Every a-hole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty."

Quick little video from the BBC HERE. This is crazy...

New NIXON headphones in today. Three styles, lots of color, awesome sound, check them out.

The Whip
The Wire 8mm

The Trooper

80 degrees this weekend, Get Some!!!

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