Thursday, January 7, 2010

Making the Best of a Flat Situation...

Yo Gang! I am starting to get a little antsy. Haven't surfed for four days now and after checking the forecast for a glimmer of hope I got none and have realized it's true, there is no surf in sight... What to do, O what to do. Our good friend Anna decided it was time for a new snowboard. After picking out a killer package, which included a new Roxy Ally with magna-traction, she headed straight to Pat's Peak and joined their race league. She is an animal and I am sure she will dominate the circuit. I asked for some action shots and I will post them if she ever send them to me. Our good buddy Dean just picked up a new Lib Tech Travis Rice C2 Banana and he too is heading to the hills.

To ease my flat spell whoas I got a puppy. Her name is Piper and she is a siberian husky. She is super cute and a ton of work. But thanks to her I have seen the sunrise the past 4 mornings. Last night was a huge accomplishment for her, she made it through the night with out howling once. I was stoked and woke up today feeling rested. She certainly keeps me on my toes and once she gets a little bit older you'll probably be able to catch a glimpse of her roaming around the shop.

I have also seen quite a few surfers looking for that perfect tranny up at Rye. Tuesday and Wednesday nights have been the hot nights. Josh, also know as the blue JC jammer, Ry Guy, everyones favorite So Cal Bro, and the whole Crust Crew have been shredding weekly. With no end to the flat spell in sight you have to do something to keep the stoke alive!!! Grab your skate and come join the session!

On the local surf front I saw THIS article from Seacoast Online about expanding the surf zone at Long Sands in York Maine during the summer months. This has been a long time fight for many York surfers and we should all be stoked that they are tripling the size of the surf zone. Way to stay the course boys!!!

Pray for surf, go shred , go skate!!!

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