Thursday, October 28, 2010

DECKS FOR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Just got all these beauties in! Have a look!

Next up let's talk about the Kelly Slater Wave Company. This is something I just came across today and did a little internet exploration on. It all started when Steve and I were talking about the future of competitive surfing this morning. In our opinion the future is obviously the younger generation surfers like Jordy, Dane, Kohole Andino, Nat Young, and Julian Wilson, there are way more but these are the few that come to mind right now. We were also saying that the progressive type of surfing these guys are doing doesn't lend its self to waves like Pipe and Teahupoo. The tour would need to transition to more waves of the Trestles variety. Which gives way to the real possibility of a new tour. Call it the "Rebel Tour" if you want but just think about a tour full of ripping surfers that are busting crazy airs and insane fins free turns on every wave!

Now there is nothing better than getting a good tube but how many tubes can you really sit and watch during one contest? How many times can you watch Taylor Knox do the same power turn? Now don't get me wrong, Taylor RIPS, but dude throw it in, you're never gonna win a title at this point and if you're not in contention then bow out and give your spot up! This goes for a handful of surfers like the Hobgoods and Roy Powers. Either adapt and progress like Slater and Mick of hit the bricks! The future is kickflips, big spins, flips, and spins so time to have the tour reflect that!

Now back to the Slater Wave Company. There really isn't a lot of information on this but Slater's plan is to bring competitive surfing to pools and to bring it inland! It levels the playing field because every wave will be the same and it will be consistent! Rather than the contest being who gets the best wave it will be who surf the wave best. Imagine a heat where only airs are scored and then the next where only turns are scored. Well you may remember that surf ring I posted on the blog a while ago, well I think that is Kelly's direction and I think Kelly may have even purchased the rights to the "surf ring" technology. He is 97% sure that the wave pool will work and that they will be in major cities around the world as soon as one is built and proven to work. This website HERE pretty much sums it all up and has links to all the info. Also check THIS out, it's a PDF of the Slater Wave Company patent info. There are lots of diagrams and info. Get scientific here and you may learn a thing or two.

So think about it, and then tell me about it by a comment here or on facey spacey!

I broke the surfless streak today and got in the water. Rode the motivator in some little thigh high peaks. Felt so good to back in the water. Looks like we got a Nor'Easter on the way for next. Keep them finger crossed!

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