Wednesday, October 27, 2010




Earlier this year Steve and I had an interesting interaction with a roaming soul. We were sitting at the wall contemplating a knee high session when an unfamiliar face told us all about how his mind took him places. That particular day his mind took him to KB's bagels. Now if you know the wall and you know KB's then you know you could throw a baseball from one to the other. But not this man, he was just passing through and had no idea the place existed until his mind took him there!!! So here I sit and I'm trying to get my mind to take me to surf but I am just not having any luck. I keep opening my eyes and I'm still in front of the computer. Next best option is to do a little mind surfing.

There's surfing and then there's mind surfing. Ya know, when you're sitting on the beach watching a wave break innocently and you are imagine all horrifically wonderful things you'd like to do to it. Flying over sections and threading tubes on a metaphysical level. I remember sitting on that beach early in the morning before work with my good friend Stevie, watching perfect knee high zippers and picturing myself as a G.I. Joe sized surfers sitting in the lineup. In my head offering a narrative play-by-play of every wave that dribbled in. "I got this one. I'm hopping to my the bottom and WHACK float the boat over the next section and free fall into the pit SHWACK under the lip snap." That's how it went. If your mind won't work for you at least make it work. So try it, click the link below and find that perfect shack or that air reverse that's been tormenting you!!!

Last week while the O'Neill Cold Water Classic was in full swing world number 2, Jordy Smith, rolled his ankle playing a little dodge ball. He bowed out of his heat the next day in an effort to heal up for Puerto Rico. The title race has officially come to a Slater vs Jordy show down, although, at this point Jordy is definitely the long shot. The ASP has all the math figured out but the long story short is if Slater earns a 3rd place or higher he will be the new world champion and the only person to hold that title 1o times. Now if Slater doesn't do so well and Jordy can finish with a 3rd or better then we still have a race on our hands. I am really looking forward to this event and would love to see the title race settled at PIPE.
The forecast for the beginning of the wait period looks very similar to ours, flat and uneventful... The Ripcurl Pro Somewhere events have had a streak of insane luck since the event was first held. Could this be the year it all comes crashing down and the ASP boys get skunked??? The Atlantic is quiet and only Davey Jones knows her ways. My suggestion is to adjust your fantasy team and get you small wave and arial rippers ready to go. The whole show kicks off Saturday and I can't wait.



And if you're to busy to mind surf we'll be skating at RYE TONIGHT. Come meet us there!!!

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