Monday, October 25, 2010


Day Dreaming of Winter Swells....... p. GITV

By my count today is day 9 with no waves. I was contemplating that fact this morning as the dog and I strolled down the beach. Off in the distance I saw one person suiting up to paddle out. I thought to myself "this dude has GOT to be desperate but I understand his pain", as I got closer I saw the black beauty and new it had to be Ralph getting ready for his daily session. Once at the water's edge he waded in until he was about waist deep, spun around, paddled into a ripple, stood up and walked of the nose of his board onto dry sand. He picked his board up and headed straight back to the car. I'm willing to bet it took him longer to get his suit on then it did to get his session. Turns out this guy wasn't desperate, just committed. Day 92 in the books and I'm the witness. Ralph is the proof that no matter how flat it is you can still surf. Turns out we've all been blowing it for the past 9 days, maybe tomorrow I'll go get one like Ralph but probably not...

When you go as big as Nolan sometimes even pads don't help!!!

A couple of our team skaters had a hard weekend. Manny qualified 6th for the Volcom Damn Am contest but ended up rolling his ankle in the semi final. Nolan was out in Texas for another contest and hit his knee so hard that the whole thing just blew open. The craziest part is that he was wearing PADS!!!! A handful of staples later and he'll live to skate another day! On the up side team riders Eamon, Max, Zach, and Cam all killed it this weekend in the Grom-O-Rama contest. With Max winning the overall in under 13yrs and Eamon winning the overall in the 13+. Making us proud!!

A couple of pictures from one of our favorite couples. Chris and Melinda way South of the Boarder. Looks like fun, we're jealous! Anyone else?

UGG season is FULL ON!!!! If you got someone on your list who wants a pair now is the time. Are selection is on point and we are stocked in the ladies and kids department. We are already selling out of colors in the short and tall classics! Get in now and get yours while we still have some!

PUERTO RIC PREVIEW. The next ASP event kicks of Saturday.
BIRD IS THE WORD Nike video edit! Check it!


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