WOW, what a nice day. Everybody is at the beach! Tiny little waves, nice seabreeze, ah the seacoast you gotta love it! Our day started off early today when about 25 members of the Pioneers crew showed up at the wall and picked up trash for an hour. I wish we could have paddled out but the tide was just a little to high... But we did some good and everyone who pitched in was rewarded with Vans hats and water bottles! Thanks Vans and thanks to everyone who made it out!
If you missed the cleanup today it's ok because you get a second chance tomorrow with the Surfrider crew! In honor of International Surfing Day the crew will be meeting at Jenness Beach at 1 pm for a surf session and a cleanup. Park where ever you can find a spot and make your way over to the Surfrider tent, say hello and find out what you can do!

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