So there is a lot of stuff happening this weekend. Internation Surf Day and Skate Day are on there way. We also have a Pioneers Beach Sweep going down Saturday morning at 7 am at the wall, and on top of that Sunday is Father's Day. Check out was surfrider NH has planned for Sunday HERE. We had originally made plans for a global surf demo this Friday night but as of now the demo has been called off and will be rescheduled for a later date.
So with Father's Day right around the corner it's time for me to remind me all of you lovely readers just how awesome our selection of DAD gear is!!! I really don't know where to begin but if he doesn't surf then let's start there. Get your old man a surfboard! I think Nat Young claimed surfing is the fountain of youth that Ponce De Leon was searching for all those years. Your never to old to start and with awesome beginner boards at a reasonable price now is the time! We have an awesome selection of clothing with classic tees and shorts from brands like O'Neill and Rip Curl. Our watch and sunglass selection cannot be beat. We have fashionable yet functional tide watches for dad from both Nixon and Rip Curl and insane shades from Oakley, Electric, and Von Zipper. If dad is a skater well how about a new set of pads or the latest issue of JUICE magazine!!! That's right it's HERE. Maybe dad is just a chiller at heart and all he really needs is a set of Volcom Bocce Ball or a Volcom Horse Shoes Set. We got tons of stuff to satisfy the man so stop by and we'll help you get that perfect gift that will stoke him out and make you look like a hero!


Mega Quarter Conquered

Padless and Hesh!!!!
Habitat Skateboards is getting set to release their newest full length video titled Origin. This will be there third video and if the past two, Mosaic and Inhabitants, are any indication of things to come Origins will be sick. No special effects, no gimmicks, just skating the way it should be! Click on the video below to watch the trailer.

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