Well the waves were tiny but Steve still surfed. I feel like a slug because I didn't but man those waves were TINY... I think Steve is as stoked on surfing as anyone could be. Not alot in the future as far as waves go but at least the sun is out and it's nice and warm. It is even a nice day for a paddle. As I was strolling with the pup I was trying to imagine what life here would be like if we had an oil spill in the gulf of Maine. My conclusion is that life would suck... No surfing, no fishing, no walks on the beach. We're lucky not to have oil rigs out there blocking our view of the horizon or destroying our ocean.
I walked into the shop and found these two videos, have a look, Gulf Oil Spill Update with Surfrider's Matt McLain. The situation gets worse everyday... Get more info from NotTheAnswer.com WARNING... If you care about the ocean this video is going to seriously bum you out...
As serious as this situation is, this video will make you laugh even though you shouldn't because it's so true.
We got a big shipment in today from Sector 9 and Carver Surf Racks. Both a surf rack for your dad's bicycle or a Sector nine longboard would be a stellar gift for dad. The rack that we got will comfortably hold up to a 10' longboard and will pay for itself over the summer once you add up all the parking tickets you won't be getting. I've been riding my bike to the beach lately and loving it! No matter how bad your session was you end up smiling on the bike ride home! And we are fully stocked with TONS of bamboo and drop thru boards from Sector 9. So SICK!

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