That's right! HDMI baby. Welcome to the future!!!! I dropped $60 on an HDMI cable yesterday. Steve and I have become webcast junkies over the past year. If it's live and on the net chances are we're glued to it. At points our addiction to the computer screen has almost made us appear anti social, and if you wanted our help during an ASP final well lets just say you probably weren't getting the undivided attention you're used to at Pioneers. Neither of those two things will change but now we'll be broadcasting all the live feeds on the flat screen so you can be addicted and anti social with us! Today is the first day of our live webcasting action as we break the set up in with the Maloof Money Cup held in NYC today starting at 1pm today and tomorrow at 11am. If you can't make it to the shop and you want to be anti social at home click HERE for the live feed. This contest has quickly become the biggest and most legit street contest in skating's history. Buck's down there representing Oakley, don't be surpised if he has a couple drinks and some how ends up on the mic! I wouldn't expect anything less from the guy.
We got a handful of boards in from Global yesterday. Really fun looking 7'6 and 8'0 Walden Mini Magic boards in 3 phase epoxy! The 7'6 looks like a blast! Wide nose with a tight little tale and beveled rails! Enough volume up front to move up and trim through section but the performance tail allows you to step back and make some tight arcing turns. Check out the following little video of Steve Walden talkin' shop about the Mini Magic.
Steve just rolled into the shop, hair wet and a grin from ear to ear. Turns out there are some thigh high peaks out there this morning. I of course blew it, but Steve's claiming it's fun. Looks like there is the possibility for some fun little wave through the week and possible something a little larger towards the end of the week. If you can't wait and need some day dreaming material click here to see what's out there... warning: you may hate yourself for looking at this... but if you're gonna do it anyways you might as well read up on this when you get there you can surf like him.
Team rider Manny Santiago made the Thrasher Hall of Meat this week... It hurts to watch this...
Enjoy the day!!! Go for a skate, go for a surf, come hang out with us and watch the Maloof Money Cup LIVE on the flat screen. We'll be here!!!
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