Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Stoked!

Early Morning Stroll...

Well they got it right for once. I can safely say that we got a good 6+ inches of snow at the beach last night! It feels so good to look out my window over the marsh and see nothing but white. The waves were super fun this morning. Waist high sets with a light offshore breeze made for quite a fun morning. I surfed at the wall with only one other guy out and we were far enough apart where I was truly surfing by myself. It so rad to look back towards the beach and see all the houses and trees sporting a fresh white look. I have been missing the snow and I am happy to have it back on the ground.

Piper at home in the snow..

After my session and a big bowl of Frosted Flakes the pup, the little lady, and I set of on a nice stroll through the woods. The light was awesome and we had fresh tracks on all the trails. My dog was beyond stoked and was having so much fun charging through the snow. She is definitely a pure bread Husky because she is at her happiest charging through the snow! I can only hope that when that water warms up she will be as happy in the ocean as she is in the snow.

Looking Dapper as all Hell Scotty Lago, US Olympian!!!

Today is the day! Scotty Lago is going for the Gold. Big party at 3 pm till its all over at the Common Island Cafe in Seabrook. Qualifiers start at 3 pm, semis at 8 pm, and Finals at 10 pm. Lots of people will be partying down and having fun! Come on out and show your support!

Scotty Front 9 in Practice

Where it's all going down!

When I say back country snowboarding I am willing to bet that your mind is instantly brought to thoughts of Alaska and Colorado. Well Tuckerman Ravine is in the spotlight on Transworld Tucks is legit backcountry! Snow into the summer, avalanches, ice chunks... if you do something stupid you just may die. Check out the full story and photos HERE . The gentleman in some of these photos is a long time friend of mine Matt Gormley. Gorms is legendary on the ice coast and now lives in the Pacific Northwest. When ever I travel to Washington Gorms is the guy that makes it all happen. Great article, great photos, NH PRIDE!!!

The waves still look real fun and should be that way most of the day. If you can make the time a session would be well worth it. GO SCOTTY!!!

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