Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Blog for the Ladies...

Good afternoon Pioneers Crew. So the ocean is still flat but not for long. We have a major system moving in tomorrow and then a second on later in the week. If you haven't looked at the weather in the past few days then get ready for a shocker... snow/rain/clouds next 9 days in a row. But with those gloomy conditions waves will come. The extended forecast shows some serious swell on tap. Steve is working on the forecast for the upcoming week so check the report page later today or tomorrow. In the mean time check the WEED forecast for a little eye candy.

So as the title of today's blog states this ones for the GIRLS!!! The March issue of Surfer Magazine has a great article entitled Woman's Rights which is about 5 beautiful surfer girls surfing equally as beautiful rights down in Mexico. The article has a great perspective on woman's surfing, where it came from and where it's going. It also talks about the role of these woman in surfing both as role models marketing tools. The professional women's surfers of today are different than those of the past and this article explains why. There is no doubt in my mind that these ladies rip and that the 2010 dream tour will be better than ever. I often think about the fact that most people I know would much prefer to watch women's tennis over men's tennis. I wonder if this will ever happen with surfing. I am going to go out on a limb here and say yes... We still have a few copies of the mag left so come grab one for yourself and until then check the video below. All girls surf trip, the stuff dreams are made of...

and don't forget we teach surf lessons all summer long and we love helping ladies and girls of all ages get into the water. Come see us when it warms up! You'll be shredding just like Steph!

In the realm or skateboarding girls make up a very small percentage of the skateboarding population. The is changing but quite slowly. Here in NH we are fortunate enough to have a couple of really good female skaters and a skate park that is stoked to promote women's skating. Every Tuesday night at Rye Airfield is ladies night where the girls get to shred for free! The size of the groups seems to get bigger and bigger every month and I have noticed some young girls coming in and picking out their first complete skateboard package. Next Tuesday night there is going to be a girls only skateboard clinic. All ages and ability levels are welcome, it's 5 dollars, it's from 6 - 8 pm, and rumors are the lovely Nora will be on hand to give up some secrets.

On the ladies snowboard front the girls are killing it! The Olympic halfpipe event was so good. Tora Bright's run was awesome and if Gretchen had stomped her run I bet she would have been on the podium to. While you may not be ready for the Olympics yet you are ready for the All Girls Billabong Flaunt It slopestyle and rail jam series at Waterville Valley this Saturday the 27th of Feb. Cash money and tons of prizes!!! The following weekend at Loon is the Droppin' In women's snowboard clinic. This clinic will teach you to hit jumps and rails and to ride the halfpipe. Registration is $200 it includes lift tickets, food, coaching and more. Multiple lady pros on hand. Check HERE for more info. Get on it GIRLS!!!

And wether your a boy or girl, young or old Pioneers has you covered. This is NH vacation week and if you are heading north to hit the slopes you have to stop at Pioneers first. We have deals on everything snowboarding related and we are giving out free lift tickets with any snowboard related purchase. Any question call the shop the number is 603.964.7714.

See you out there!!!

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