Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Original...

We got them yesterday, fresh for 2010, The McTavish Original. This model was the first model to really bring modern Longboarding into the 21st Century! The board has a radical. 3-stage rocker, with a flat center section for fast paddling, and a flipped nose and tail for fast, loose, down-the-line surfing. The trim channels (which are hard to see in the photo but really cool in person) in the nose add lift, and also give great control while noseriding. The template has a wide, stable nose, and a big hip in the tail, which makes rail to rail transition smooth and controlled. The Original is an ideal addition to any Shortboarders quiver, or a high-performance option for the Fish/Longboard crew.
This board works best with a bit of weight stripped out, and the SLX epoxy construcion delivers this perfectly. I have an SLX in my quiver and I love it. SLX sets the performance standard in Epoxy Boards. Boards with the SLX logo are layed up by hand in the traditional wet lay up method using epoxy. An SLX gives you a lightweight board with better deck crushing resistance as well as quick acceleration and a very responsive feel. These boards feel new for months and will bring a fresh vision to your surfing. Surfers worldwide are adding epoxy boards to their quivers because they are light weight, last longer and still have that custom board flex and feel.
We currently have a 9'1, a 9'3, and a 9'6 in stock for your view viewing pleasure so come check them out.

Surf on the way! Waves building tomorrow, getting organized on Thursday, and nice and clean but dropping Friday. Should be some fun stuff happening out there so stay on it and we'll see you in the water.

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