Monday, August 2, 2010

Nora & Nolan shine at the X-Games

So the biggest action sports event of the year has come and gone but the showings our team riders put in have us brimming with pride. Nora put down some great runs on Friday night and claimed the sixth place position in ladies Vert! Saturday Nolan qualified first in his heat for the skatepark prelims. He skated like an animal yesterday and just missed making the finals by a fraction of a point. In the end he placed 6th and did it all padless. Both of our kids were rocking Pioneers loud and proud and we can't wait to give them some high fives and incentives when they make it back East! Photos of the two in action are tough to come by but I found this great one of Nolan blasting a frontside boneless!! Congrats Team!!

Zoo York just turned Chaz Ortiz pro and we have his new pro model and some limited edition Chaz Ortiz gatorades to go along with them! Come grab a board and Gatorade combo pack while we still have a few kicking around.

Surfrider Beach Sweep this Saturday at the Wall starting at 5pm. Should be a good time if you can make it. Later this month the Pioneers Crew will be doing a clean up at Jenness. That is going to be on the 21st and I'll give you plenty of reminders before then.

Bella Rose, my favorite restaurant, has some fish tacos up on their special board. It's no secret that they have the best pizza on the seacoast but who knew they could cook up some mean mexican too. I highly recommend swinging by the shop for a new Pioneers Jersey and grabbing some fish taco while you're here.

Some of the best skateboarding I've seen in a long time. How about Hewitt's Frontside Boneless??? So Dirty!!!!

We're here till 7. Swing by, say hello, and kick it for a while!!!


Mark said...

What do you make of the current report for the wall? The wall says we've got some 3 - 4 foot surf thrown in over the next couple days, but that will most likely be choppy junk, no? Am i reading that right? -- still suck at accounting for the wind and what not.

Anonymous said...

i'm seeing knee high most of the week, maybe a little bigger at times. possibility of some bigger surf this weekend early next week. keep those fingers crossed.