Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Will Emily Do???

Well gang, at this point it looks like Emily is going to fizzle out and go bust on us... I could be wrong but from what I'm reading that looks to be the most likely scenario. If you're counting, Emily makes five named storms without so much as a taste of tropical waves. A short sighted surfer would whine and bitch about that fact but if you look at the statistics the 2011 Hurricane season is off to an active start. Remember, August just started and we've already had 5 named storms. What that's telling me is that the tropics are active we're on track to having a wave filled fall with many storms to come. So don't go burning your boards or lose it on a tourist yet. Keep surfing those knee high days so that you stay in surf shape and when the waves come you'll be rested and ready!

Remember to keep the stoke alive any way possible. Here is a quick clip of Ozzie Wright surfing a Wegner Tuna. We have two of these boards available for demo, all you gotta do is swing on by and pick one up to try. Waves will come, stay stoked!

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