Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Goodwin Project

Came across this video today on about Aamion Goodwin and his round the world adventure with his family. Aamion is a under the radar surfer out of Hawaii, the dude charges pipe and gets huge barrels. He came in 4th at the Volcom Pipeline Pro last year earning him a spot in the Pipeline Masters this year. Can't say I know the dude but seems like the kinda guy I wouldn't mind kicking it with.

Their blog, titled The Goodwin Project, will be a first hand accounting of both The Goodwin's and the crew's experiences in front of, behind and away from the lens. They are traveling around the globe for one year just soaking it all in and giving back what they can. They Goodwins are currently in Iceland and you can see tons of photos of their travels thus far on their website/blog.

A teaser from the upcoming film and a description of their adventure to be...

"A young family leaves their home on Kauai. It is time to return to the itinerant path from which all things in their uncommon lives come; beginning and ending on a remote dot in the Pacific. They nomadically trace continents to places where waves meet their edges, envoys of aloha. It is what they will learn, what they bring others, what they will pass on to their children in the hyper-expanded classroom, the lab of direct being; a legacy passed from a father to his family.

An adventure cannot be written before it happens so the film remains untitled until it unfolds. Together with a small film crew the Goodwins will document how they are changed by their travels, and the effect they have on their acquaintances, hosts, friends and ticket agents as they circumnavigate our planet, through 18 countries and four seasons. This is the story of their encounters with the world.

They step into the current faithfully, inquisitively, boldly and with good will."

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